Monday, April 21, 2014

easter week

E  A  S  T  E  R

after this whole nursing school and NCLEX business is over with, 
i will be a little more devoted to this blog. that's a promise. 
But here's to an amazing easter week! 

And #becauseofhim it had more meaning and was filled with more love.

But here are some other reasons why it was a week to remember...

1. My brother Spencer got his mission call to SALVADOR, BRAZIL!! I am so proud of him for choosing to go and serve those people and bring them them happiest message. 

^handsome men!

2. I was able to share my commencement speech at a luncheon once again! Even though I wasn't picked as the official speaker that night as I had hoped, being runner-up takes away the chances of wobbly legs and a nervous stomach for that big day... and that's a plus! I am sooooo excited for graduation in 10 DAYS.

3. I finished sewing together my graduation dress... and just in time to wear it for easter. :)

^^I'll have a DIY on this pretty thing soon. :)

4. biking and trail running up bell's canyon with this stud.

 ^^ i mean, really!? utah, i'm yours.

 ^worth the climb!

5. Last but not least, Easter day... involving painting/dyeing eggs, a yummy sunday dinner, the annual "egg roll" in which Grandpa Emerson won, and spending time with some of the people I love most. Bry surprised me with his hidden egg-painting talent... I mean, Mario and Luigi!? GENIUS. We took those two eggs on the photoshoot they deserved.

 ^^the master at work.

^^ i died. too funny.

h a p p y   e a s t e r   e v e r y o n e !

x o

...the saddest part now, is having to take down the easter decorations. :( until next year!



  1. So cute! I'm excited for more blog posts in the near future! :)

    1. Thanks Kristan! Seriously- let's get this nursing business taken care of already! Sheesh! After that NCLEX is over with, think how free we're going to be! Ahhh so excited. See you soon. :)

  2. So fun to see updates on your life! I am so impressed that you sew in addition to everything else. You make me miss UT!

    1. Megan you are so cute! Thanks for visiting my blog! How is everything for you!?

  3. Adorable! Congratulations to your brother. I can't believe your sewing talents. I have a few projects I've been trying to wrap up and hope to finish once school is over but nothing as skilled as that. You're amazing and what an adorable blog.

    1. Jennifer you are the sweetest! And I wish I could say I made the dress from scratch, but it was actually a project of just combining two dresses to add more length, add sleeves, and redo the back. I'm not quite talented enough to start from scratch- or haven't tried yet haha! But one day! Love ya!

  4. You are truly amazing, cute Meg. When I grow up I want to be just like you. Also, I am super sad you did not get selected to speak at Commencement, you would have my vote any day! Congratulations on graduating!! You are a rock star!

    1. Oh Nicole, I think the same about YOU. And congrats to you too for finishing up an amazing grad degree! You are my hero! Love you. xoxo

  5. Well meg I found your blog! So cute. Love all the projects you're working on. They're totally you!
