knocked my socks off, and here's why.
(lots of pictures... beware.)
september was for hikes with friends to pretty lakes...
who let me come to their house after to pick a bouquet
of fresh roses from their garden. (swoon)
^^they looked so pretty in the passenger seat and later in a vase by our couch. thank you maddie!
september was for the occasional rainy day which of course meant
trips to home depot (my favorite store) + crafting/painting days.
(since i can't afford to buy us a rifle paper co. sign, i decided i'd paint one like it myself)
september was for making a "cracker cake" for one of my cute patients, who spent her 16th birthday in the hospital vomiting into a bucket. :( so naturally i had to throw her a party.
september was for finishing my nursing residency with several of my friends from the U.
...and of course we never could take sim lab seriously.
(heidi gifford i hope you're reading this: phone in sim lab rings..."HOUSEKEEPING!" ;)
haha, still laughing about that.)
september was for buying pretty ribbon to decorate our glass jars.
september was for starting a new journal. and writing lots.
september was for celebrating grandfather's 90th birthday!
he is officially the youngest 90 year-old i've ever met.
and never ceases to amaze me.
september was for reading Elizabeth Smart's book. i also got to attend a book group about it where Julie Valentine, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, spoke about her efforts/research to protect women and men who are victims to rape. i would definitely recommend this book.
september was for long bike rides, runs, and more hikes.
^^seriously though, i love these girls more than they'll ever know.
^^seriously though, i love these girls more than they'll ever know.
dear october,
we've started out on a rough patch.
...sore throat, fever, chills, aches and all...
but i'm willing to give you another chance.
we've started out on a rough patch.
...sore throat, fever, chills, aches and all...
but i'm willing to give you another chance.